When people hear I make temari balls, they often think it’s food. No, I explain, it’s tEmari, not tAmari, as in the sauce. No rice or fish or shaved carrots involved.
Or they make jokes, because "temari" sounds so much like "tomorrow": "See you temari!" "Don't do today what you can put off till temari!"
Well, I've got a few of my own... So, if you're having trouble telling today from temari, or if you need to keep track of today, temari, and the next day, you might want to take a look at my 2016 Yarndance temari calendar, available in the webshop and on Etsy.
WESTFORD RESIDENTS TAKE NOTE: local calendar sales will benefit the Westford Food Shelf. See here for details.
One more: what do you call a post-apocalyptic embroidered Japanese ornament? The "day after" temari...